Quoted By:
>driving stoned
>"the oil light went on so I just put some more oil in and it seemed fine"
>Doesn't have enough brains to think about pushing the car even a block or two to an area where it won't get towed
>Or is such a shut-in that he doesn't have enough friends to call to help him push the car
>Asking about goddamn local towing ordinances on the fucking internet without even telling us where he lives.
>posting about fucking cars on /n/ instead of /o/
You're a deadbeat fuckhead OP and this is the wrong board, but I'm going to lay some advice on your faggot ass.
1) Your car probably had a major electrical short of some sort. It's not going to be cheap to fix, especially if it's the early 90s GM ghettomobile that I suspect it is.
2) If your car is in a no parking zone on a 40mph major road, it's getting towed fast. It's not going to be there in the morning, and is honestly probably gone already.
3) Show some fucking initiative, call your fucking bros OP. Get them to help you push the car to the nearest parking spot. You're going to need cash to get the car fixed, and you can't afford to be senselessly throwing away money at the impound lot when 5 minutes of elbow grease will solve the immediate problem for you.