>>1960495if you were in the highlands then that's literally one of the worst places in the world. midges/blackflies are endlessly worse than mosquitoes when they're in high numbers, so fucking small and so fucking many.
like you can barely exist. it's absolutely awful. especially when theres literally no wind, i've had my entire body covered in 30 seconds (to the point where i couldn't see my legs through them) on one occasion in sweden. fuck midges. mosquitoes are at least easy to kill, good look killing 500 midges that got into your tent when it was open for five seconds. little fucks
otherwise just htfu and bring clothes that cover your skin and a good headnet. you can get used to most things but bugs aren't really a problem in most places
>>1963245feather and touring are completely different bikes, zero similarities except frame material. but as the other anon said just buy used if going classic setup it'll save you money at no drawback. just buy a tubus if it doesn't come with. if you have to fix some things then it's just good that you learn
>>1960583never been to that specific region but i toured the north coast and the pyrenees last summer and always got a no when i asked. never had that happen in another country. was mainly on north coast i asked though but i'd just wild camp. one time i got a tip where i could go instead but they really didn't want me there. pic is from picos