>>1456407I 100 percent agree that we should try to provide social safety nets to people who need it, but the only way to do it effectively and ethically is VOLUNTARILY.. not through brutal POLICE STATE VIOLENCE like you are suggesting.
If we deregulated medicine, housing, and food production, we could probably keep people alive and safe for much less money and notice that conservatives are much more willing to donate to charity than leftists or libtards!? Right wing church groups are the ones running homeless shelters in the USA. Too bad the socialist crony corporatist state tries to make running a homeless shelter a legal liability with ligneous laws and expensive through regulatory measures.
Because the state wants to make sure THERE IS NO COMPETITION in the social safety net game. They don't want to lose their power and influence they gained by making poor people DEPENDENT on them?!
Here is a video of Nigel Farage arguing with soem leftists including Russel Brand and UK politician socialists, and the socialists are actually talking about BANNING CHARITIES because they are making the NHS look bad as they are giving people cancer treatments not covered by the socialist system:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2RSKJC-ugkImagine resenting freedom so much that you try to BAN CHARITIES GIVING PEOPLE CANCER TREATMENTS?!??!