>>1732736If you are srs (which I know you are not) commieblocks are a terrible idea
Cities should never and rarely do get to the point where high density residentials are needed. People are much more comfortable living in their own units side-by-side with good privacy that being surrounded by units. If you want density, build homes ready for extended families. Past a certain point in both density and population a city becomes a fucking demon. Cities are organic super-lifeforms, artificial growth is cancerous. Can't express how bad it is when a megacity is born in written form.
>>1732763Tokyo is one such an example of a city really in dire need of high density, but that's because it never should've existed in the first place, demon.
They swallowed up all their beautiful fertile alluvial and riparian habitats to create industrial hell. What a nation of retards. But you gotta seek dat profits yo, gotta modernize for the American occupiers so they can abuse your labour force instead of theirs, pesky labour laws. If they were cut off from imported goods about 3/4 of Japs would die from starvation since their remaining mountainous landmass is unproductive and under Tokyo is their historic breadbasket. Because their population is steadily shrinking, possibly because the Jap bugmen are so devoid of natural instinct because of their genetic selection over the decades favoring people who wouldn't die of revulsion from just being born in their abominations of cities, I expect the government to come slobbering back to the West for indoafromestizx immigrants to keep their houses from rotting and tax-profits from falling, say 2050? Keep those profits up Japan('s bureaucrats)!
It is the same all over China, Korea, India, and Japan. They say it's the future of human habitation. I call it hell. Really it is a microcosm of the disregard for human life governments have.