>>1525723Did my last motorway run this morning (hit snooze when alarm went off yesterday), and got a flat. Not at all surprising due to the pieces of shredded semi tires littering the shoulder. I'm lucky that was the only flat I got on that road this year.
Since I didn't ride yesterday morning, I went and filled in a few gaps yesterday evening.
What I started doing last year to track which roads I covered is load up the road network in the JOSM editor and use that to create an overlay map for my Garmin so I can see what I haven't covered while out riding. At the end of a ride I delete the roads I covered and generate a new overlay. The easy way to do that now is to get a membership for Wandrer.earth and it will automatically track road coverage and generate maps of unridden roads. Before that was an option I created a tutorial for doing it manually (
The only stuff in the city I haven't covered this year is a smattering of small parking lots (blue), and paths / sidewalks / easements (green), and a few gravel roads at the edge of the city. Some of the grey stuff are planned roads that don't exist yet (gotta plan ahead).