>>1554567>>1554569If you use a low friction pant, high friction underwear and a low friction, properly shaped padded or leather saddle you don't need cycling shorts. Cycling shorts have more friction between the padding and the butt and less between the short and the hard saddle.
Whichever material overcomes friction first is what slips. This is what causes chafing/saddle sores.
>>1554578>>1554589>>1554605>>1554655Certain stroller bags can make decent frame bags or panniers if you're poor. You can also go full povertymode with using square buckets.
>blows shitloads of money on a eurocuck sport run by the second most corrupt sporting organization behind FIFA only to at best end up circlejerking over his datamining app numbers and dreaming that he got into cycling at 15 instead of 30 so he could be the bucket boy for the wash station on a pro team instead of watching the TDF on the telly and moping to his LBS about how there's no local crits because the council won't fix the roadsunracer
>blows a shitload of money on hipster-designed taiwan-made high markup unaesthetic garbage so he can smugly circlejerk with his friends in the anarchist book club about sticking it to the man while consooming a different breed of shit that all comes from pretty much the same factories in taiwan and china or at best some smelly pothead who charges more than the cost of a bike for a hub or bag, and posting ugly instagram images of his latest pickup from a company whose owners racistly advertises about being non-white as if its a selling point