>>1301217Brazil. It's about as third world as it's gonna get for a /n/ice poster, unless we have literal indians here. Then again, I'm in one of those more developed and high HDI cities, so I dunno if this counts, but if we third worlders can do it, so can all richfags out there.
>>1301218I'm not a NEET though, I'm literally going to uni right now and I work a part-time for about 20 hours a week. I do take the metro and it does get packed during rush hour, I believe I've posted it on the "you may only post in this thread if you're riding a train" thread, pic related, but honestly, I only spend like 10 minutes there, maybe 20 if I ride to the end of the line, and it never stays like that for the whole ride. Mind you, the system is severely undersized for my city, and it only packs up like that for an specific 1 hour period, and only in one way.
How bad is the U-Bahn, is it always like that ?