>>1215301Denver trip took 39 days (2 of us) and Miami took 15 (5 of us). We averaged 90ish miles a day; that number changes a lot depending on weather and terrain. We stayed at schools, churches, and sports fields mostly. Just had a couple tarps and very light sleeping bags, so any open area a little ways away from a main road works well. We also slept inside the display sheds outside of Home Depots/Lowes a few times, especially when rain was forecasted overnight. We would rent a hotel room every week or so. Lots of hooker showers (crotch+pits) in between our hotel stays. We had a few run ins with cops in rural towns, but after seeing our bikes it was clear that we were just biking through they never had a problem with us camping out for a night.
Didn't take much planning at all. Just bought a road atlas both times and planned our route as we went. Definitely need to have the tools and knowledge to fix broken spokes, chains, flats, etc. Bring a pocket stove and have enough food/water for a couple light meals in case you're caught in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and it starts getting dark. Sunblock/bug-spray are also necessities. The trips were some of the best experiences of my life, I definitely recommend them if you have the money/time to do so.