>>2029880>You ever work on your bicycle upsideown? Or have a table and some way of keeping the thing in place?I've a little space, not a huge amount. Enough to patch punctures and change my brake pads and pedals as needed but not a whole lot more.
https://www.decathlon.co.uk/p/wheel-20-rear-double-wall-rim-cassette-tilt-900-black/_/R-p-201479?mc=8539373I think this is my wheel? Don't quote me on that though.
>You SHOULD be able to take your own bike wheel off and put it back on without consulting an expert. Do you need a chef to make tea?I actually got so thoroughly tired of not knowing what wheel I need here exactly that I went to go take the wheel off to have a look, only to find that around 3/4ths of my tools are completely missing and I've no clue where they are. Just what I needed, either I've put them somewhere and forgotten it or they've been stolen by some fucker.