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The only problem I had with the bike is front knee pain. It started with a light pain on the right knee on day 2, aggravated to both knees later on (probably because I compensated with my left leg to lighten up the load on the right leg, idk). On day 3 it was becoming really painful and I'm glad day 4 was the last because I don't know if I could have continued on if this would have been a longer trip. The next days at home it hurt like crazy when trying to stand up up (like, doing squat for example, getting off the toilets etc). It's still hurting right now but it's tolerable.
I watched a couple videos and I know the first thing to look at is the saddle height which could probably be too low. I will have to look at the saddle setback too. And now that I think about it, my crank arms might be too long (I hope not, looks like it would be a pain in the ass to change on the drive side).
I really hope this is just a saddle position issue and not something wrong with me or the frame size.
What I find weird is that this is the first time I have knee pain, and I did a few two-nights trips before this one.
Maybe I also pushed too hard, idk, might invest in a cadence sensor. Either way I really need to fix this issue if I want to extend my trips to Switzerland and the French Alps next year.
Hey at least my back and shoulders feel perfectly fine every time so that's good.