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So, while we're talking of bike fit...
>have mtb
>"L size" that supposedly I fit into the lower end of it (I'm 176cm, decided to go for L as I read that it's better to go into the biggest size if I'm between one or the other. L size is supposed to go from 175 to 180cm)
>got new saddle today, pic related
now, in the pic it's badly tilted as I had just screwed it on, but the "issue" is...
>I feel comfortable only with the saddle moved all the way back on the adjustment rails
Is this normal? I mean, I barely fit on the L, and the stem is 100mm long, but for riding I can pedal well and place my butt comfortably only if the saddle is all the way back to the rear. I did 30km runs with the old saddle adjusted in a similar way and I never got pains or particular discomfort, apart from a slight stiffness on the right biceps femoris once, but that might be just due to me pedaling a lot after years of NEETness.
If I put the saddle forward, I just feel like I'm too much over the pedals. I will try adjusting it more tomorrow, as I plan to ride if it doesn't rain, but I just find it weird that a frame where I'm on the lower end of the fitting spectrum I find myself having to put the saddle so far back.