>>1448437>the highly regulated healthcare system is so corrupt and wasteful so we should give the government even more control and have less options/competition/accountability sounds like
>wow the government is so corrupt and controlled by corporations but we need to raise taxes and give them more money/power and all our gunsThe healthcare in south america is better and actually affordable.. bonus points in mexico you can just go to the pharmacy and get the medications you need instead of having to pay some jew doctor 200 bucks to "evaluate" if you need something and if they are wrong you have to pay another 200.. most of the time you go to a doctor you should know what you need if you are not a retard so by giving more freedom and responsibility to the patient we would increase efficiency. Bonus points because retards that are too stupid to self diagnose would remove themselves from the gene pool.
Here is a video of nigel farage arguing with russel brand and a bunch of bureaucrats from Britain and at one point they actually start complaining about a charity that is giving people treatment that are one the NHS waiting list and about to die. They basically say that charities need to be outlawed because they are embarrassing the government.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2RSKJC-ugk>the road to hell is paved with good intentions