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fuck my life.
down here it's been the most hot winter in recorded history, everything is dry and windy as fuck. tractor in pic related is not on fire, is just dust.
dirt roads have 5 to 12cm of very fine ultra dry powder that flys all over the place. slows you down all the time, gets in the chain and lungs. sometimes is like driving in very fine snow powder, it's easy to loose control and it even sounds like snow. have to ride with a buff around my mouth and end breathing saliva mud.
also fuck parrots (there are thousends of them around). they make their ugly nests with twigs from spikey trees (up to 4cm thorns) and leave lots of them in the road. yesterday went for a ride, had 4 punctures in less than 3 km.
seems that slime stopped working and is not filling the holes in the tube, so tried to patch, but the fucking leaking slime breaks the glue and the air keeps escaping, so i had to walk back home about 2km of dusty hell.
also fuck big truck owners. they don't slow down while passing you and you end inside a thick cloud of dust. not only annoying but dangerous; while in the cloud, another asshole in a truck almost hit me while going 100kmh through the thick dust.
tl;dr, my rides are pretty shitty thesde days.