Anon is rolling with the trolling, but for people who are off the pace, lets catch some of you up.
For performance road, heavily weighing average speed is a sure sign of someone who has no idea what they're talking about. It's not "estatting" as anon puts it, as that requires using actually meaningful comparable stats. With a few exceptions, like touring, the Hour, noob commuters, you only use "average speed" to relate things to clueless people.
>>1567971Your pedal stroke was probably terrible, and is improved significantly with retention.
>>1566355When you see someone throw around "average speed", you should assume the're an idiot, or trolling. Quite a few people feel it's their duty to mess with anyone who talks about "average speed" seriously.
>>1567803>>1567968Proper setup. Legs. Cardivoascular. Aero. Not necessarily in that order.
>>1567650You are fast enough that it might be worthwhile to actually measure, train and improve.
>>1566892>>1566874I should pokeballs at cat 6'ers who try to bother me while I'm doing base miles.