>>1145003>NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER ON ANYTHING.WOAH CRUISE CONTROL BOI! You realize internet screaming HAS NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER?!??!?!? Same with reddit spacing :^)
And you'r wrong the 7x7 is a karmic resonator. When they change the nomenclature their employees and engineers will feel a distinct lack of consistency and begin to question the false authority that the boeing corporation has claimed through bribing regulatory bodies like the FAA and NTSB. This will likely lead to one of the employees branching off and starting his own company.
And like you said it reflects that the original boeing guys were dumb enough to think their designs would be the end-all-be-all of air travel. And while Boeing's lobbyist and patent trolls have done all they could to make that true.. the end of 7x7 series will symbolize the end of their rain. I predict Boeing going bankrupt within 10-20 years 737-MAX!
Just like the Mayan calendar
prophecy led to Trump winning the last election this is a new beginning for mankind and the numbers only signify this which causes karmic resonance effect sort of like how "art imitates life imitates art."
If you want an example of karmic resonance then just look at pic related and realize that it was tweeted almost exactly a year before the pizzagate red herring was promoted by the media. Surely they could not have been planning it that long? But we have Clinton or one of her aids making a premonition that she will be accused for something to do with pizza...