>>1280207Mad props bro but do you even lift?
>what is most impressive about this lift isn't just the weight but also that it is an aerodynamic load>I used to crew 53s and aerodynamic loads are scary as shit to lift>if the wind is shitty or if the pilots go too fast in a turn they can generate their own lift>if that happens the weight comes off the hook pendant(s), the automatic safety will then release the belly hooks (or blow the 1W18 explosive separator for a single point lift) as the computer assumes the load has been lost (this is to prevent, in such a case, the hook from slingshoting into the bottom of the aircraft from the sudden release of tension)>in an instant, without warning, the load can be lost with no input from the crew>oh and because of that, if there is an oscillation on the load there is damn near nothing that can be done to stop it (normally you would go into a "high" g turn to stop the oscillation)