>>1059689I'm not entirely sure on the exact limits because it doesn't apply to me, but a US merchant Mariner working overseas (which I assume is outside US territorial waters) is tax exempt up to $80,000.
I, along with most people in this thread I assume, work coastwise. In the US, you owe three different income taxes: Federal, State, and Town. The federal tax is bracketed, pic related. An income of $100,000 would incur about $18,000 of taxes. No escaping that. There are seven states that have no income tax: Alaska,Florida, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, South Dakota, and New Hampshire. Town taxes vary. If you own land, you'll also have real estate taxes. Money is also witheld for social security and Medicare
All in, with $100,000 example for ease, you can expect a take home of $65,000-$75,000 depending on state and town. If you're working coastal.