>>1450573>in theory, I like socialismVoluntarily supported social safety nets are superior.. Adam Smith in "wealth of nations" talked about how it's the responsibility of the rich to provide the most basic forms of safety to their community and it's also a practical matter because the inequality gap tends to fuel retards' desire to revolt.
I swear to god though the problem is the regulations around housing, energy, and food. If those things were not *artificially* expensive then it could be practical to build massive high rises full of poor people and give them rice and beans each week and cheap generic drugs. But no the plan of the ultra elite banking energy cartels is to create monopolies under the guise of "socialism," and sell it to naive bernie bros.
>That doesn’t however keep me from realizing that the systems fucked, but who cares.It's true things have been nice the last ten years, but we are always on the verge of collapse and even an attempted socialist revolution could make life suck for even your average millionaire upper middle class. You can buy physical stuff but if they really started fucking with the internet a lot of our livelihoods would be put into danger and our favor mode of recreation and creativity.
>Especially since most of the folks having troubles are actively licking the boot that’s stomping themexactly why it's important to provide for them at a basic level so they don't go running into the hands of the global elite energy banking cartel and become their pawns... even coronavirus could be used against freedom, see how people were quick to praise china for massive quarentine. Create a threat, either real or imaginery, and people will rrun as fast as they can to give up their freedom!
Truth is that we want a sort of low level collapse, the type Ron Paul talked about as a parallel to the fall of communism, as an impotent state that we can easily subvert. The type that in 2009-2017 allowed crypto currency to be traded freely.