>>1227825>gravel bikes fulfill a legitimate need that was previously unaddressed though.that is true. I live in the burbs with perfect tarmac 4 lane parkways to bike on. If I lived 20 blocks south I'd either have to cycle north every time or buy a gravel bike to ride over the shit roads.
People in the west coast and NE have "fire roads" which are essentially gravel roads that cut through the wilderness. They are great to ride on and while it is true you can ride these with a hardtail MTB it is more fun to totally bomb down them with drops.
>>1227819My prediction is 29" tires on adult BMX becomes the hip version of a beach cruiser. But everytime I suggest this people on /n/ tell me to fuck off with my mexican bike. The LBS had one in john deere livery and one in red white blue I almost bought the deere one but held off at the last minute in favor of saving for a full carbon rig in the spring.