>>977572After some initial riding around and realizing climbing is actually very tough, I decided to go for some easier climbs first. I did the Grimselpass today which climbs about 800m at an average of ~7.5%, and I could not have gone much further without falling off the bike.
As I was expecting, riding around at a nice 100rpm like I do in the flatlands was simply not possible. Most of the climb I was in my lightest gear grinding 70-80rpm which was very uncomfortable for me. I hope ill get used to this cadence fast enough because I will need it.
I also felt a bit uncomfortable throughout my whole body and was a bit shaky and slow in the head long before my legs started complaining. I was drinking a lot and had a lot to eat before going so I expect its the altitude? This was 1400-2200m and I live at sea level, maybe thats siginificant enough at high intensity riding.
And then the fucking heat. It was only roughly 15C on the climb and I was overheating like mad. I now have mad respect for those pour souls riding the Tour de France who have to climb at temperatures of 25C+.
In the end I completed the climb at an average of 13kph which is good enough for a first proper climb I would think. And descending is absolutely the most fun I have ever had, until I got stuck behind a car.
I shot a nice road porn picture, pic related.