>>1753692>you're not cutting that zip tie are youNo, they are the types that you can easily reuse:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001018284426.html?spm=a2g0o.9042311.0.0.27424c4dSdmKTu>>1753145>What the hell problems are you people running into that you need multitoolI'm a beginner and I have only done a few days of touring but so far for me:
- Top attachment points on my rear rack got loose and the rack fell backwards on some bumpy trail. Tightened the bolts like crazy after that, and put Loctite on them once I got home so hopefully this never happens again.
- The bolt holding my left crank arm came loose and the arm almost fell while riding. Thank god the multitool has a 8mm allen wrench on it otherwise I would have been completely fucked and would have had to cancel the trip.
- Some guy on the trail needed a small allen wrench to access the battery compartment of his camera... My multitool came in handy.