>>1399494>What exactly is a cager mentality?A readiness and willingness to destroy society in the long term so that their short term comfort is satisfied. An inability to think outside the box, uncritically accepting the fact they have to funnel 400+$ a month into a soul-sucking machine just to exist. Such a warped sense of priorities that "not seeming poor to other normies" is at the top of the list, even above "sound money management". A lack of empathy which leads to a seething hatred of poor people and minorities, which encourages them to double down on their wasteful lifestyle. Indifference to the idea of destroying the environment, like a parasite too dumb to realize killing its host is a bad idea. A hatred of all things good and beautiful, preferring to raze and pave over everything instead of enjoying it. All of this is what defines the average cager.
Basically, it's the mindset of people with an IQ of 105 or lower. Which is why the highest IQ nations (China + Japan) are world leaders in public transport, particularly rail infrastructure. Cagers build the societies they deserve, like pic related.