Again, the metre gauge interurban. Surely it's a line 42 tram because it's just one car. The tram is running along the same street as the previous pic, crossing Meridiana avenue. It's hard to tell but there's tram tracks in both directions, it's clear from the overhead wire. Remember the standard gauge on just one track in the previous pic? The track at the bottom is the other direction of that same line, which ran on the parallel street, than turned onto Meridiana (which is a diagonal), and then joined the other track. The pic was taken here:,2.1868055,3a,75y,355.66h,86.45t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svLbeuVMHsdBiFV5y1YEO6g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656As you can see, a lot has changed in this area. But there's trams running again! Albeit on a different line which, at that point, runs for a stretch along Av. Meridiana. Btw Meridiana avenue is called like that because it runs exactly on the meridian next to the greenwich meridian, and it was once considered as a candidate to be the "0" meridian, but greenwich was chosen. If you look at it on google maps you'll se the street runs perfectly vertical north-south.