>>1856776The reason bicycle riding is a nightmare in many parts of the US is that the existence of bike lanes in some areas has been very successful. Remember that the purpose of bike lanes is to denote where you're allowed to ride a bike in the eyes of cagers. So if you're not in one of the designated child safety zones, then you're obstructing traffic and a danger to yourself and others. Get back in your lane you lycra lout!
>but the law saysYeah well too bad that nobody, not drivers, not cops, not the mass media understands the law. The law contradicts itself most of the time. Like when you have a choice of getting ticketed for driving faster than the speed limit, or getting ticketed for impeding the natural flow of traffic because the sign says 55, you're going 70, and everyone else is going 90.
>>1856781"Urban planning" is mostly a psyop by real estate developers promising vague gibsmedats to daddy's money colonists who think they are entitled to historically black neighborhoods and feel very very angry (oops I mean economically anxious) when the housing didn't trickle down (but they said it would trickle down! how could these uppity minorities do this to me!?!??!?!?!)