>>1300811and theyre all bullshit and all patents are ALL BULLSIHT
>>1300813but what if i would have thought of the exact same myself?? And it's up to some SUBJECTIVE EGOTISTICAL hairless monkey whether or not it's "obvious." NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR!!!
no one "owns" ideas
you can "own" a computer system because you have the password or "own" property because it has scarcity and you can defend it but ideas are ethereal and belong to everyone unless you keep them a secret and even then there is evidence of collective consciousness so you really can't realistically expect someone to claim ownership of ideas or concepts unless you are literally some kind of GOD
and there are only so many ways you can mix things together... it doesnt make fucking snes to fucking have to think of some convuluted way to have to mex thjem together just to avoid the patent when there is a better and more refined and accepted way to do it and you have no negotiating leverage in license fees and IT'S LITERALLY A MONOPOLY and you are literally a cuck if you defend this