>>1182485I'll expand on this by saying that clipless shoes are the best way to ensure a constant fit and the center of the pedal spindle should end up a few mm or more forward of the 2nd and 3rd tarsophalangeal joint for best posterior chain engagement.
Look up Steve Hogg's article on cleat fitting methodology, it covers this and also wedges and more drastic measures which you'll not likely have to worry about.
Measure from the centre of the pedal spindle to the widest part of the saddle once you're happy with your knee angle and you have a measurement to can replicate on other bikes, write it down.
This is really the core of bike fitting, once you have that measurement, then you can figure out closure of hip angle, saddle tilt, drop, reach etc, most of which can be done by measuring from the centreline of the saddle at the widest point.