>>1457666Also if this doesnt sound like a MAFIA, idk what does:
>hurr take the welfare>hurr if you try to work you will get kicked off the welfare>only place you can work is the black market now>supports criminals>supports Mothers that have babies just to get more welfare>creates more socialsit votersIn Nordic countries they actually give people money each month to have children, something like a fucking thousand dollars!? Think how fucked up this is! IF YOU CANT TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF YOU DONT FUCKING HAVE ANY BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN! They are just trying to breed more socialist drones as voters!
They do this with immigration, i have nothing against hard working Mexicans or immigrants in general, but they specifically target immigrants that cant take care of themselves and then send them to STAGNANT economies without jobs and then they end up voting for more welfare, insuring the bureaucracy maintains power. And because the prices are inflated there is no private charity that wants to step in! Friends from those countries say they sometimes see welfare queens that have like 10 children walking around and it's clear they are not working!
Think how much better our societies would be if ONLY people who could afford to give their children trust funds have children!
Ironically enough it's the socialist government that has blocked the most effect type of birth control possible. Essentially a small injection into your dick that creates a harmless static charge that disables sperm as they pass through the vas defrens. This is reversible and has no side effects, meanwhile typically vasectomies are hard to reverse and create lumpy balls of dead sperm.
This was prevented by the pharma companies USING GOVERNMENT as part of their scam to create high cost of entry into the pharma market!!! This is a form of regulatory CAPTURE, and prevalent in socialist societies!