>>959500>>959506>>959758>>959834Please continue not wearing helmets.
>>959516This guy gets it.
>>959810Then get a different helmet dumbass
>>959815People that ride without a helmet are incompetent fucking morons.
Mandatory helmet laws are even more retarded. Wearing or not wearing a helmet affects no one except the cyclist in question, so the decision is solely up to the cyclist.
The reason people don't normally wear helmets in "bike-friendly cultures" is because it's not part of their society/norms to do so. People say they have less injuries too, but that's because they ride slower and are casuals and the drivers are used to seeing them. That doesn't mean they never hit their heads. They, as a whole, are retarded for not adopting widespread helmet use, because even though they are at less risk than cyclists in, say, USA, helmet use would still give them significant safety benefits. However, on the individual level, I understand why a given person doesn't -- they just aren't used to people wearing helmets while cycling, they aren't taught to. But they should anyway.
>And on the flipside - if helmets aren't compulsory, then only 'dorks' will wear them.That's not true at all. Helmet use is very widespread in many places where helmet use is not enforced. The areas that haven't adopted widespread helmet use probably will in the near future (other than third world countries that will probably take substantially longer).