>>1864746Lone peak alta handlebar bag. Great bag overall. Removable so I kept my valuables in it and used it like a purse when I left my bike. It was the only bag that wasn't waterproof so in storms I would put my phone and wallet and bible and stuff in a ziplock bag.
All 4 panniers were Ortlieb. Obviously they are great. I had to use electrical tape on my racks to fill the clamps though. No big deal.
Axiom Journey DLX Low Rider Front Rack - My bike only has one set of studs, and this rack fit. In hindsight, I would rather have a front rack that is one piece and that I could put something on top of. But the front racks worked well.
Ibera Bike Rack - Bicycle Touring Carrier Plus+ for Disc Brake Mount, Frame-Mounted for Heavier Top & Side Loads - After 1000 miles or so one of the screws down low sheared off. They were just 5 mm. Cheap Chinese steel. I drilled out the holes to 6 mm and just put through bolts in. RIP the frame but I had to keep going.
I had 3 spokes break on the rear wheel on 3 different days, all near each other, (got them repaired one by one),with the last time the back wheel bent too much to ride. Had a new wheel made and kept going. I had to hitchhike back 100 miles which sucked.
My clothes were all wool, which meant I didn't have to do laundry all the time. Sea to summit pillow, and towards the end an R6.3 sea to summit pad. Kelty 40 degree down mummy bag with a hefty liner. Pocket rocket stove (stolen in Kentucky by drugged out hillbillies). Spare tire, spare tubes, spare spokes. Hose clamps and zip ties were my repair parts, and they held my broken rack in place for a while. What else do you want to know?
>>1864764Thanks man! I'm pretty proud of myself right now.