>>1211410>>1211413Even what appears to be a very smooth road surface is really porous and full of micro-bumps. Extremely thin tires at high psi cannot conform to the road surface as well, have a sub-optimal deflection point due to being too thin and at too high psi, and don't provide enough suspension to negate human suspension loses, they flat way too often, etc.
Look at the attached photo for a closeup of "smooth" asphalt. It was taken from this article written by former Zipp enginer Josh Poertner:
https://silca.cc/blogs/journal/part-4b-rolling-resistance-and-impedanceHere is a good podcast where Josh Poertner and Jan Heine of Bicycle Quarterly go over why wider, supple tires are the way to go:
https://cyclingtips.com/2016/08/cyclingtips-podcast-episode-9-rethinking-road-bike-tire-sizes-and-pressures/>>1211400One of the few non-idiots that knows what is up.
>>1211401What kind of trolling loser are you? Literally no one in road biking except poorfags would ride with different sized tires. And 20 mm is just cartoonishly thin and stupid.