>>1702567Long story short it was sold as a transit project when the capabilities of the trolley are terribly outdated in comparison to modern trams, and is really just a tourist attraction that (slowly) links a popular dining/shopping street to a history museum and the northern end of Forest Park. It's of no use to commuters or residents, and they actually restricted car/bike access in the process of rebuilding the street.
And this isn't even including that it is in one of the few parts of St. Louis that already has non-bus metro coverage, including two light station lines that intersect with the trolley.
It was really only sold as a transit project to get the funding and approval required to build it.
If they had built something like this in Forest Park, I could actually see it getting use, since it is a large park with great museums, features, not too much parking, and already has dedicated roads around the greenery.