>>1870100Aside from the solder connection, I've got the design down pretty good now, this being about the 4th version. Connecting electrical wire to carbon fiber just happens to be tricky. A pair of gloves I bought that subsequently died used a tiny copper crimp. But I'm using at least 6x as much carbon, and I was never able to find similar crimps. I'll experiment with using solid core wire as a crimp instead of using hookup wire strands as a wrap.
Using more carbon I have a peak temp lower than the commercial gloves with about the same power ~8 watts, think low pressure fire hose vs high pressure garden hose. Even at max power they are warm without being hot. Also the heat is spread out over larger area 3mm vs 0.5 mm. I have the datasheets for the expected temperature for a given length at a given voltage and did several tests.
The main reason I made my own was so I could have the heat on the palm side of my hand which works much better than on the back which is how most commercial gloves are setup. I used these ones all last winter. Most people don't need heated gloves, but my body reacts to cold by cutting off circulation to hands / feet and I need to keep them warm until that passes.
The controller needed a new LED so I took a pic while it was open, but after I gooped on some liquid electrical tape over the solder connections. Rather than fussing with an enclosure I just wrap the PWM board in kapton tape then wrap the whole thing in electrical tape.