>>1165790>I am right down for private propety but when someone uses technicality issues and enslaves people and makes them into defencless retards i have a problem with. You are narrow minded.You're not "enslaved" to a job when you're paid a good wage.
You are just so lucky in your life since you are willingly trading your jucy meat loa ffor pic related.
>I'm not saying communism is the best, but the workers should own the means of production and we should eliminate the bourgeoisie. Now i dont mean that we carry out the revolution killing 30 million all i am saying is some reorganisation needs oto be done and he ends justfy the means so why stop at 30 million why not expand to 300. GLORY TO THE WORERS REPUBLIC.
but fuck marx though hes a shill.
joke aside but middle question is most important.