>>18194211. Participate in local politics, encourage investments in transportation infrastructure that go beyond cars. Attend city council / community council meetings, meetings of state legislative committees, etc. If you genuinely believe that trams and bike lanes would improve your neighbors' lives, be their advocate and show them that a better world is possible.
2. Teach your friends that we have proven technologies that could enhance their way of life
3. Bring them to public meetings and disperse yourselves throughout the crowd to provide the illusion of broad public support
4. Use alternative transportation where feasible; practice what you preach
5. Run for office. Doesn't have to be the senate; the transportation commission or city council will do.
You live in a country where your leaders are not only elected democratically but are, in many cases, required to solicit public feedback when making decisions. Your countrymen are just too lazy to actually use those powers, preferring to whine about big oil on the internet after the fact. Be the change you wish to see. You won't always succeed, but nobody ever accomplished anything by getting blackpilled and complaining on a cambodian clam-digging forum.