Strasbourg, France.
A 2.7km extension of Line D to the German town of Kehl opens today (April 29th). The extension starts from Aristide Briand, and consists of two stops; Port du Rhin and Kehl Bahnhof. It crosses the Bassin Vauban via the Pont Citadelle, and the Rhine River via the Pont Beatus Rhenanus/Beatus Rhenanus Brücke.
Another 1.2km long, 2-stop extension to Kehl Rathaus is scheduled to open in 2018. In addition, two infill stations between Aristide Briand and Port du Rhin will open once developments are built.
New Alstom Citadis trams were introduced for the extension. They meet the requirements of the German regulation, BOStrab.
360° POV from Pont du Rhin to Kehl Bahnhof (2mins 30secs): French):