>>1049579>magnesium is also a possibility but is not used nowadayssome small brands still make mg bikes, why isnt it a thing? less prone to fail than carbon and more stiff that alu. weight also comparable to carbon.
>>1049585>and I have found the positive caster and rake can cause understeer in corners and strange hop in the suspensionwelcom to the neo-mtb geometry, yes, it has its advantages but also downsides, slacker HA (that in most case leads to more trail) are harder to contersteer, and you have to be VERY careful about front suspenssion adjustment since you have less weight on the front wheel, but overall its a worthy tradeoff if you dont go to extremly slack HA.
shan PP is especially prone to what you describe, cotic BFe has a much more better geometry (BB is slightly higher on cotic and HA is not as slack, but overall performance is slightly better)