>>1457666So lets recap why you are wrong:
1. Finland is double the price and you just didn't look hard enough for a decent deal on your rental situation.
2. In America jobs have been super available in all but the worst economic years. Jobs can be had the same day in many situations.. In Finland getting hired is a month long affair because Employers can't legally fire someone for just any reason and can get sued. Also they have a stagnant economy.
4. You don't need the government's permission to fix your life in America, and you can get 200 dollars of food each month without questions asked which is basically 400 euros in Finland if you drink soda and eat snacks, which most poor people are addicted to.
5. Non standard medicines are super available because AMERICA HAS A HEALTHY BLACK MARKET. Medicinal Marijuana is easy to get.
6. Society is less fascistic in America, despite what the media says, as counter culture people can find their own community and DONT HAVE TO RELY ON GOVERNMENT TO GIVE THEM PERMISSION AND IF THEY FUCK UP THEY DONT HAVE TO RELY ON THE GOOD WILL OF A BUREAUCRAT WHICH WOULD BE LIKELY TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THEM!!!
7. Also being an ENTREPRENEUR is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more attainable in the United States.
Yes, in Finland many Entrepreneurs probably get their start operating on welfare first. But they have to dance around the rules because if they get caught then they will lose their welfare benefits and have to re apply and risk getting into trouble over one of the many frivolous rules and laws!
Also in nordice countries:
twice the cost of living
twice the taxes
You are getting spittroasted by Lexington Steel and Mandingo basically when it comes to money. ESPECIALLY AS AN ENTREPRENEUR. This is why Nordic countries have a shrinking middle class!