Train fags are the worst kind of autistic.>>1333683>subsidizedFederal fuel taxes raised $36.4 billion in Fiscal Year 2016, with $26.1 billion raised from gasoline taxes and $10.3 billion raised from taxes on diesel and special motor fuels.[23] The tax was last raised in 1993 and is not indexed to inflation. Total inflation from 1993 until 2017 was 68 percent.[24][25]
>"Status of The Federal Highway Trust Fund". US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.>CPI Inflation Calculator>'s Federal, state taxes on gasoline are in pic related. Let me guess, you thought the money was generated by the government.
>In 2014, a total of $416 billion was spent on highway and water infrastructure, $320 billion of which came from state and local government, with $112 billion for capital projects and $207 billion for operation and maintenance. The federal contribution amounted to $96 billion, of which $69 billion was for capital projects and $27 billion was for operation and maintenance. Of the $416 billion total, $165 billion was for highways alone, which includes national, state and local roads, bridges and tunnels. Mass transit spending amounted to $65 billion."Our" government spends $96 billion of which includes a lot of other shit. $65 billion was spent on mass transit as an example.
Train fags are the worst kind of autistic.