A KiHa 183 DMU car from JR Hokkaido is seen in State Railway of Thailand Makkasan Works undergoing exterior renovation after re-gauging to metre gauge and changes to their entrances were done and test runs were made in April. The entire renewal process will take around two years and early testing with shorter trips will begin this fall.
https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20220609-2363917/A JR East Shinkansen E2 set was recolored to the original 200 Series livery for the 40th Annivsary of Tohoku Shinkansen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFJFW8g81okDetailed information regarding the timetables of West Kyushu Shinkansen along with changes of local lines.
http://www.jrkyushu.co.jp/common/inc/news/newtopics/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/06/10/220610_september_23rd.pdf>>1807300>Not sure about the vertical profileWouldn't that depends on current underground infrastructure? And I'm somewhat surprised that there won't be any new stations in between Shirokane-Takanawa and Shinagawa Stations since the distance is a relatively long stretch by subway standards (2.5 km)