>>1762185Bullshit. I know because this because I used to own a 80s miyata „gents racer“. They look kinda cool and they are good bikes for they are and its fun playing around with the friction down tube shifters, which worked completely shit compared to modern shifters. The handlebars for some reason are always 42cm wide, the hood position is silly compared to hood position on modern compact handlebars. The bike feels like a wet noodle. Saddle was shit, stupid vintage bartape is shit, brakes suck. 23mm tyres will fuck your shit up if you don’t watch out going on cobblestones. Pedalcages suck. It was a pain to work on, even though RJ the bike guy makes it look fun.
There is a reason roadies dont ride them, bicycle technology has came along way in the past 40 years. Bikes really started getting “good” in like the 90s with index shifting.
Even those people who take part in those eroica events know these vintage bikes suck balls, that’s their appeal, they are so shit and old fashioned that it’s charming and quaint and what have you.
That being said, I would still like to own one again, just for the shits and giggles.