I have returned after figuring how to look up old threads
>>1610287India makes bad boats. I work for an American firm - no pooships allowed
>>1610308This is interesting, I brought it up with my lead and he agrees it is an issue. This will be implemented in our next concept.
>>1610361Tallfag amenities will henceforth only be implemented for captains and *maybe* officers.
Definitively for the cook though, because good food is the most important thing on a ship.
>>1610410This is kind of retarded but I can see why it would be convenient. Considered.
>>1610438This is double retarded. The best of new ships are hybrid electric drive but diesel is still king for long haul. Hydrogen is so gay I'd design a solar ship before using it.
>>1610511Of course, We'll also be implementing exhaust piping directly over crawlspaces.
>>1611510Done and done. Technicians are the ultimate enemy of the engineer. Making their lives harder is my dream.