>>1992346>Why aren't Jacobs bogies more of a thing with coaches?When going through the trouble of Jacob's bogies, it makes no sense to have them on 'dumb' coaches. If you want to keep the axle load in check, the middle sections will get about half the capacity of a full coach - or even less when vestibules are considered. Jacobs bogies are also troublesome to rearrange the train, if it's not an EMU, then why limit the inherent flexibility of the wagon consist?
This is why they are popular on EMUS, but not traditional coaches.
However, this does not mean there weren't any. A famous example was British Silver Jubilee coaches originally pulled by A4 Pacifics. Pic rel is a German-made four-car set of Polish railway's double deckers which were phased out a few years ago. Those have three axle Jacobs bogies and were being used as two, three and four car sets. Romania, I think still uses these.