>>1222230And then, comes the heathen, the godless, the brain damaged: Christian Lacroix.
Fucker was hired in the late naughties to freshen up the ageing second gen TGV rolling stock (TGV Atlantique in the west, Réseaux in the North and Southeast).
Not even gonna elaborate on the looks, it's ugly (first class is a bit better, as in less puke-inducing).
It's also a downgrade in comfort in 2nd class. And I'm not only thinking about the seats: trash bins are few and in retarded locations, luggage racks are too small.
It's worth noting Lacroix hardly touched the exterior styling, in fact he made a single change to the paintjob: remember when I told you in the previous post how Tallon had introduced the class color coding? Yeah Lacroix decided he should swap it around. So now half the TGVs are running with red 2nd class doors and green 1st class doors. Good job Lacroix!
Outside of this "why-the-fuck-did-noone-stop-him-are-they-all-that-stupid" fuckup, Lacroix set a new low in maintanabilty (one example: to remove a seat from a Tallon interior, you reach under the seat, twist and pull away a pin and that will allow the seat to slide off its frame, no tools needed, done in less than ten seconds... To remove a seat from a Lacroix interior, you need to remove the trash bin between the seats, crawl under the seat -taking the opportunity to breathe in all the dust that settles in the carpets- AND REMOVE TWELVE FUCKING SCREWS WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU ELITIST WASTE OF OXYGEN PLEASE STICK TO DESIGNING CLOTHES YOU'RE TOO STUPID TO DEAL WITH ANYTHING MORE COMPLEX)
No but really, fuck Lacroix.