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LBS has this Colnago for sale for $800. It's a beauty, and rides really solidly, much like a modern bike. I just wanted to get some more eyes on it before I made the buy. It seems legit to me (please tell me if it doesn't to you, I know these aren't the greatest pictures, these were just taken on a short test ride, the only hangups I have are:
1. There is a tiny bit of rust visible on the edges of the headtube lug, and i noticed a small amount of rust residue on the rear brake housing where it enters the top tube. How big of a deal is some rust inside of the frame?
2. This is much less important, but the cage of the RD seems loose or something, as the chain wanted to skip around in the larger cogsa little, and when Iooked back while I was riding the bottom pully was actually further in towards the wheel than the top pully. I thought this could be a derailleur hanger alignment issue, but it seems straight, and there was some lateral play in the RD when I just moved the cage side to side.
Will post more pictures I took