>>1701192>In short, rail died because of left wing government interference in the free market.In not so much that, but the US govt doesn't have the balls to actually nationalize anything.
Both with the railroads and interstate, the initial construction was largely financed by the government (in the case of railroads, they'd bamboozle states into subsidizing more than they'd ever make back in taxes) but then all the profits would go to the rail road companies, or with the interstate, the trucking companies that effectively get subsidized interstate use, etc
Oil is another good example, the govt provides all sorts of tax write offs for exploration costs and then doesn't demand any of the profits from wells that work.
In damn near every functional these naturally monopolistic industries are nationalized, but most Ameritards are too hung up on
>muh free market!to realize it work really well.
TL;DR if a monopoly/oligopoly forms, the industry should probably be nationalized.