>>1980562>>1980681...on page 421, the Nederlandse Spoorwegen Class 1200 is featured. These are from the 1950s and designed by the American company Baldwin and containing some American technology as part of the World War 2 reconstruction plan, but were constructed and built by Werkspoor in Utrecht and used some Dutch technology as well. 35 were created, with all but 8 scrapped. The remaining 8 are kept in pristine, workable condition and are featured in museums and are occasionally taken out.
And if any anons are interested in something related to Dutch trains, did you know that the Dutch railway company NS cool products made out of recycled train parts - actually using the same blue and yellow colour scheme in pic related? They offer everything from chairs made out of floors, shoes and bags made out of seat fabric, notebooks and lamps made out of old signage from train stations and stuff and a few other neet things. If you like trains, buy yourself something cool here: