>>1663679no, the public transport is only used to shovel the poor people who can't afford to buy their own personal automobiles.
These hybrid roads are just the result of poor zoning laws that allow useless bus lanes, and bike lanes next to former highways when the city limits are increased.
Notice how whenever a stroad is mentioned, the are always within a city's limits. This is because the innefectual infastructure is commonly built over areas that would be former medians and shoulders.
Note the former medians (marked in blue) which are now turned into the Seattle E-line's bus lanes, who's primary usage is to shuttle hookers and drug dealers to the Lowe's parking lot and Krispy Kreme's corner (marked in black)
Aroura Ave never looked like a nice place, it used to be a highway, it's a shame that Seattle overtook it and turned it to shit.