>>1882029>>1882239>>1884461>>1884551It's very interesting. My all time PR on my commute is 21.9kph, out of 194 logged efforts. I've got a pretty decent (though by no means prestigious) modern road bike, and I don't train or race.
The KOM on the same route is 32.1 kph and was done by a national team champion on a BMC SLR01.
Many people on /n/ are unimpressed by anyone whose average commute speed is 50kph, no doubt something they can easily do with a hangover, on a gaspipe fixie or perhaps an old schwinn with coaster brakes they got out of a dumpster
Really blows my mind how much untapped talent there is, so many diamonds in the rough lurking this board. If we could get all the anons on this board together to form a pro team there's no limit to what could be achieved...