>>1050544A lot of it is pre-planning. On takeoff I usually brief to the departure climb (after leaving pattern) with all power and heading changes.
During the climb you run the Cruise-Climb checklist and ensure you're on course
Before you reach "Thousand to go" (call this out, it'll help you keep track of altitude) review your cruise power settings.
Have a flow for your cruise checklist, then verify.
Calculate your TOD well beforehand. You should have known it before you took off if it was a planned XC.
Know how to brief an approach quickly yet accurately (I swear I sounded like an auctioneer rattling off the brief for the approaches I was so used to)
Know the power settings that are standard but don't be afraid to change them slightly to fit the weather.
Yea.... I don't quite know what else I can help with. Forewarning though, Emergency Gear Extension, run through it physically at least once. All the way. I got busted on my checkride first time around because I've only read about it but never did it. Then I did it on the second time around and holy fuck was that interesting to say the least
I'm going to miss flying the Baron.... Sweet airplane, Questionable Trainer.