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Riv/Grant openly states that you can get similar performance from big brand bikes, foam saddles, and disc. In his books he says this explicitly and I think I've seen the website or blog saying "just go buy a surly if you don't want lugs" or something like that
Riv does a great service being a contrarian brand because a ton of modern bike memes are industrial-strength bullshit. But they also introduce a bunch of their own bullshit... lmao... I also have seen Grant on record ranting about how bad V-brakes are in the 90s, now their new MTB has v-brakes and he says "it takes one ride to get used to them v. cantis". He's great with words and if you want to sell shit these days you need to sell a story
Riv is right about steel, clothes, fat tires (now everyone loves but they didn't before). I think they're wrong about upright bars, and i think disc is probably great but I have only ridden BB7s and only for a minute. The key riv thing is the "unracer" vibe --- people are making cycling fucking miserable with their racer LARPs. Slow ass touring on an Atlantis sounds like more fun than 90% of what people are doing on Giant bikes